[I dropped v6ops]

In your letter dated Sun, 17 Jul 2011 23:41:05 +0930 you wrote:
>Good point, there would need to be a message to solicit addresses. An
>NS to the all nodes address with an unspecified (::) target address
>So perhaps the changes required would be mostly limited to -
>- DADs to all-nodes rather than solicited node addresses
>- nodes receiving the DAD use that to create a neighbor cache entry
>- NUD takes care of maintaining the validity of those entries
>- ND NS to all nodes with an unspecified target address solicits NAs
>  from all nodes to cover the router (or any device) reboot situation

So my proposal would be to add an option to RA. This option specifies a time
over which nodes should distrubute updating the router (random number between
zero and the timeout). At the selected time, the node then starts NUD on 
the router. Note that it has to do that for all of its addresses. Which is
not part of ND at the moment.

This should be enough. When a node boots it sends an RS. When a node adds a
new address (not triggered by an RA) it may need to go over its list of
routers and update them.

Routers can always add the option to their RAs. But an alternative is to do
that only when they become overloaded.

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