I would not support to add GPS coordinates to the IPv6 header. I think
it violates the user privacy.

        As a user, I sometimes want to disclosure my position, but only to
services that I know and I want to. I wouldn't want to do it
automatically to the whole Internet.

        I would give more counter arguments to some of the advantages that you
mentioned, but I think privacy is the most important.



On 10/10/2012 12:52, Ammar Salih wrote:
> Hello Dears,
> I would like to suggest adding GPS coordinates to IPv6 header, as you
> know the current way of determining the location of the IP address is
> through the IP registration, which is not very accurate as it depends on
> how the ISP registers it’s IP subnets, which is normally done based on
> country/city.
> Getting more accurate locations will enhance many services provided by
> the web, like targeted commercials (for example, I can get Ads regarding
> restaurants available in my neighborhood instead of all restaurants in
> the city), another good example would be webpage’s language, my language
> will be detected more accurately based on my exact area rather than my
> countery, as there are many countries with more than one popular language.
> Maps, navigation, emergency calls and many other services will also get
> enhanced with accurate locations.
> I hope you will find my suggestion beneficial, and looking forward to
> hearing from you.
> Best,
> *Ammar Salih *|***B.Sc.Eng, CCNA-S, CCVP, CCIE-V written*
> Technical Lead - Voice and Data Support Services
> *Mob*: +964 (0) 770 533 0306 
> *Office*: +964 (0) 53 511 2020  -  Ext. 2221
> *Email*:ammar.sa...@auis.edu.iq <mailto:ammar.sa...@auis.edu.iq>
> *The American University of Iraq – Sulaimani*
> * *
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