Hi Ammar,
At 07:52 10-10-2012, Ammar Salih wrote:
I would like to suggest adding GPS coordinates to IPv6 header, as you know the current way of determining the location of the IP address is through the IP registration, which is not very accurate as it depends on how the ISP registers it's IP subnets, which is normally done based on country/city.

Please see the work of the GEOPRIV WG ( https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/geopriv/charter/ ).

Getting more accurate locations will enhance many services provided by the web, like targeted commercials (for example, I can get Ads regarding restaurants available in my neighborhood instead of all restaurants in the city), another good example would be webpage's language, my language will be detected more accurately based on my exact area rather than my countery, as there are many countries with more than one popular language.

Maps, navigation, emergency calls and many other services will also get enhanced with accurate locations.

The above are arguments in favor of such a functionality. What are the disadvantages?

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