
On 04/27/2013 04:20 PM, Hosnieh Rafiee wrote:
> I do not think repeating what I explained before will be of much help. I
> never received any responses from my last discussions with Fernando so I am
> not going to continue that discourse.

FWIW, I responded to your messages. However, most of them did not really
have to do with this document.

> I agree with the part where he focuses on an algorithm for IID generation,
> but this will have no effect on  privacy so claiming to solve the privacy
> problem by keeping the same IID for a node in a same network is not true.

Please read:

Dupont, F., Savola, P. 2004. RFC 3041 Considered Harmful. IETF
Internet-Draft (draft-dupont-ipv6-rfc3041harmful-05.txt), work in progress.

RVK02, Stockholm. Available at:

> This means that if I do not use a mobile node, I will generate the same IP
> address until I receive another prefix from the router.

If you are a single node on a givn network, changing your address
doesn't help much.

> He claims this is
> good for printers or nodes that need a fixed IP address. 

I never claimed this. And discussion gets a little bit weird when you
argue that people claimed things they didn't.

> He believes that
> having a different IID from the same router prefix does not help with the
> privacy. 

If you read draft-ietf-6man-stable-privacy-addresses, you'll realize
that this method is not meant to be a substitution of RFC4941. We just
note that, in some scenarios, it might be good enough.

> But I strongly disagree with this. During the time that the node
> has the same IID, I as an attacker can easily track this node and, gain
> enough information about this node, for later when the node comes with a
> different router prefix, I have more chance to correlate this node with the
> previous data I obtained from it while it had the IID with previous router
> prefix.

Not sure what you mean. Please elaborate.

> About having the same IID for some nodes, I think that this is really
> related to the network policy and has nothing to do to with standards but Is
> more a deployment issue. 

We do care about deployment, don't we?

> Currently some network administrators themselves
> consider this issue so there is no need to tell them how to do this. 


Fernando Gont
SI6 Networks
e-mail: fg...@si6networks.com
PGP Fingerprint: 6666 31C6 D484 63B2 8FB1 E3C4 AE25 0D55 1D4E 7492

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