Dear Brian,

>You keep saying that, but it's a *host* IID and therefore primarily a host 
>issue. In some cases, hosts are subject to a local policy, but in other cases 
>they are completely autonomous. It's reasonable to >have several optional 
>standards for how hosts autonomously create their IID.

I agree with what you said  that there are several options for generating IID. 
I have no problem with that.

>As has been accepted by Fernando, this draft only solves some aspects of 
>IID-based privacy. So what? 

What I keep saying is this rfc draft does not have any effect on privacy and 
everything related to the router prefix. 

>We generally find it more useful to avoid trying to boil the ocean.

We are not boiling the ocean bucket by bucket as you seem to think. What we are 
doing is beating a dead horse.


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