Hi Tim,
>Can you clarify, succinctly, what your proposal adds that you cannot
achieve by a combination
of http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-6man-stable-privacy-addresses/
 and RFC4941?

I do not want to open up the old discussion here again. If you use RFC 4941
or in other word you enable the current implementations of RFC 4941 with any
other documents, you did not address the problems explained in my draft
about RFC 4941. You just used the current implementations with their current
problems. The reason that I wrote this draft was that the "stable addresses"
wanted to keep its IID within the same network and not assign several IIDs
within the same networks, in contrary with RFC 4941. In my opinion, there is
problems of leakage of users' private information such as bank accounts,
names, pictures, etc during the time that the node has the same IID. This
problem is more remarkable when the time the node is in the same network for
a long time or permanently. 
RFC 4941 could better handle the privacy consideration but It also has some
problems such as:
- still the IID generated based on the MAC might be valid
- cutting the  connections to other nodes when the lifetime of the IID is

>It seems a key point is that 4941 "only" says SHOULD for the IID
regeneration when the prefix changes.  Yet afaics all implementations do

Yes because many of them did not choose the best option for IID generation
and there might be a correlation between their generated IID which helps the
attacker understand this is the same node.


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