On Jun 4, 2013, at 11:12 AM, Owen DeLong 
<o...@delong.com<mailto:o...@delong.com>> wrote:
I don't rule out anything. I state that the bits should be there so that 
automated topologies can be made to function in an arbitrary plug-and-play 
If it can be used for other purposes, that's fine, but I do not suggest that we 
should support those other purposes officially.
OTOH, because of the first use case that I do feel we should continue to 
support officially, I do not support stealing those bits from the end user for 
the purposes of ISP semantic addressing.

So even though we have solutions to allocate prefixes efficiently in arbitrary 
home network topologies, and even though these solutions are just as easy to 
deploy as the solution that wastes addresses, and even though they provide 
better reliability than the wasteful solution, you use the nonexistent lack of 
such mechanisms as justification for a position you are taking in an argument.  
 Why are you wasting two working groups' time continuing to assert this 
argument on that basis?

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