On 6/13/2013 1:54 PM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
On 2013-06-13 13:17, Joe Touch wrote:
And, for some
options, if the option in question is not supported, the packet should
be dropped -- i.e., you cannot just "ignore the hbh header" (at east in

Why not? Is there any HBH header that is crucial for operation of IPv6?

Current non-experimental ones include:

peeking at
'act' and noting there are a few protocols that have act != 00 that
might be affected by this.


I'm not sure why the table includes HBH and DO in the same list without additional info; it would be useful to expand that table to indicate that.

However, even ignoring the HBH opts wouldn't help if they can't be "jumped over" efficiently to find other headers in the chain. I.e., ignoring HBH isn't he same as prohibiting it or limiting it.

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