----- Original Message -----
> From: Robert Cragie <robert.cra...@gridmerge.com>
> To: r...@ietf.org; 6...@ietf.org
> Cc: 
> Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013 3:44 AM
> Subject: Re: [Roll] trickle-mcast-04 - Clarify scope value of 3 -     
> subnet-local
> +1
> So "subnet" is not the right term. I think "network" as 
> Ralph wrote is 
> fine but if the disassociation with network addressing needs to be 
> clear, why not use the term "domain"? After all, trickle-mcast talks 
> about MPL Domains. I appreciate it may have some pre-established 
> connotations but from an abstract definition point of view, "domain" 
> seems eligible enough.

I think "domain" is really good when there is a qualifier on the front e.g., 
addressing domain, routing domain, multicast domain etc.


> Robert
> On 16/07/2013 23:59, Ralph Droms wrote:
>>  This draft is on the 6man agenda for Berlin.  I expect the discussion will 
> be taken up there.
>>  In my opinion, the multicast scope should not be tied, thought the words in 
> the description of the scope, to the address assignment architecture.
>>  - Ralph
>>  On Jul 16, 2013, at 1:41 PM, "Pascal Thubert (pthubert)" 
> <pthub...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>>  Hi:
>>>>>  "subnet" implies that this multicast scope must 
> derive from the address
>>>>>  assignment topology.  The first (and only) use case is derived 
> from the
>>>>>  /64 prefix; do we want to have that limitation for all uses of 
> scope
>>>>>  0x03?
>>>>  I think so.
>>>  Same here.
>>>  Pascal
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