On 4/18/18, Ranier VF <ranier_...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> "This is a proposal to introduce a way to post and run events on the
> main UI thread."
> Just my two cents too.

> IUP Dialog have a WID (windows HWND). Why not use PostMessage and
> leave Windows do work?
> BOOL WINAPI PostMessage(
>   _In_opt_ HWND   hWnd,
>   _In_     UINT   Msg,
>   _In_     WPARAM wParam,
>   _In_     LPARAM lParam
> );

Yes, in my proposal, I talked about Window's PostMessage. My API
proposal name is called "IupPostMessage" partly because I wanted
people familiar with the Windows API to make the connection because my
proposal draws from the same spirit of the idea.

But in when using IUP, we can't just reasonably call Window's
PostMessage because it is not cross-platform. It won't work on any
other platform except Windows.

This whole proposal is on how to make something like PostMessage

My IupALmixer example, which I linked, started off as a prototype to
see how to implement this without modifying IUP.
But what it showed is that on some platforms, it requires cooperation
by the event loop processing code. And because IUP also
wraps/abstracts the event loop management in a cross-platform way, the
solution requires that the solution be in IUP itself because some
changes need to be made in IUP's platform specific event loop

Finally, my specific proposal implementation for Windows refers to
renown Microsoft Engineer, Raymond Chen, and his deep discussion of
PostThreadMessage vs. PostMessage. Please re-read that section where I
explain why PostThreadMessage is the better solution for making this
cross-platform in IUP.

But in spirit, yes, this is the Windows PostMessage API, simply made
cross-platform and available in IUP.


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