On 4/18/18, Ranier VF <ranier_...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Obviously I'm not saying to Call PostMessage Windows function,
> in other platforms.
> So I understood, only have problem is Windows Loop Event (IUP),
> and the autor what do you cite, say clearly that PostThreadMessage
> is wrong way to solve this (update GUI in another thread).
> Best,
> Ranier Vilela

As I tried to explain in my proposal, saying it is "the wrong way" is
more nuanced than that. (That's why he wrote the blog article in the
first place.) For *most* people, it is "the wrong way" because there
is a much simpler way, PostMessage.

But as I tried to point out, PostMessage is "wrong for us" because it
artificially couples the posting of a message with a window handle.
None of the other platforms couple their widgets with their event loop
control. Only Windows does that, which creates an impedance mismatch
for all the other platforms. (Apple is a strong counter-example to the
Windows design. Apple has a strong division between their GUI
framework (AppKit) and their non-GUI framework (Foundation). You can
write command line and server daemons in Foundation without ever
touching AppKit. All the event loop stuff is in Foundation, not
AppKit. AppKit however builds on top of Foundation and leverages the
event loops.)

Furthermore, in ALmixer example, I operate on the button widget, not a
window widget. Using PostMessage is wrong from an API standpoint
because now this weird implementation detail restriction that says you
must only operate on things that happen to be windows on MS-Windows
platforms. If we allow that implementation detail to creep into the
public API of IupPostMessage(), I have no doubt it will become a
gotcha for a lot of people and we'll get a ton of never-ending support
questions of "Why does this work in GTK, but on Windows, nothing is

Additionally, if we allow that implementation detail to creep into the
public API, the question then becomes, what does that mean for the
other platforms? (The first question I "ask" in my IUP for iOS &
Android video, is "What does Dialog mean for iOS & Android?" because
they don't use "windows" like desktops.)

PostThreadMessage() is the more general API that allows us to post
messages, without the explicit window coupling. And with Raymond
Chen's solution, we don't have to sacrifice anything for using it. So
for IUP, I believe this is the "right" solution.


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