Thanks Lukasz Pawelczyk . It is really what I want to express. Sorry for my 
poor English.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lukasz Pawelczyk []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 8:06 PM
> To: 'Jussi Laako'; Wang, Quanxian
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: Simultaneous multi-user multi-seat architecture
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: IVI [] On Behalf Of Jussi
> > Laako
> > Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 11:53 AM
> > To: Wang, Quanxian
> > > [Wang, Quanxian]Is it related with multiple display? Multiple seat?
> > No.
> >
> > Yes it is. Let's say there are two persons at the backseat, they both
> > want to read and write emails on their own accounts. Post on twitter
> > and facebook.
> I think you all misunderstand mr Wang a little. This discussion is around
> whether we can take multiple user out of the picture (for multiple displays
> and seats) where most of you seem to suggest that this is what Wang is
> suggesting here. And that is not true. Tizen is providing a platform. A
> platform that should be flexible for manufacturers to do whatever they need.
> Mr Wang is not taking multiple users out of the questions. He's just not
> talking about them.
> Platform provides some features. One of them is multiple displays/seat, the
> other (independently) multiple users. Mr. Wang I just suggesting not to
> merge them in the Tizen implementation. To make them flexible. Not to limit
> yourself to one display+seat+user.
> If someone will want to make 2 displays per one user, fine, let him. If
> someone doesn't want multiple users at all (for whatever reason), fine, let
> him. If someone wants strictly one display+seat+user let him as well. But
> don't limit the options.
> On the implementation level those 2 features could be independent. But this
> doesn't mean they can't (or even should) be used together. This is what mr
> Wang is saying here.
> Functionally they are related (or can be related, depending on the use case).
> Not necessarily in the Weston/wayland implementation itself.

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