Scott Sanders wrote:
> >> I believe that if you are depending
> >> upon a specific released version of a jar
> >
> >
> > ....Important bulletin: we interrup this quote to bring you the preferred
> > completion of this sentence:
> >
> >    DON'T.
> >
> > If we want to build a composable system we can't affort to have brittle and
> > early-bound dependencies.
> >
> > The place to start is with Commons.
> Sam is just everywhere ;-)
> I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment.  We as java programmers
> should be programming to an interface contract, _NOT_ specific versions
> of jar files.  jakarta-commons is the perfect place to start enforcing
> this in the Apache umbrella.  Early-bound dependencies are bad, m'kay.

Yes - we as java programmers should *programming* to an interface
contract, and keeping them on the other side, but that's for elsewhere

Just to contrain this to what I am really interested in (this thread is
getting away from the core problem I was trying to solve...)

Building is not programming. Building is building. 

As programmers, we are also users - users of Ant, for example, when
making our build process.  Yes, we then may decide there is something we
want to be changed or augmented, but that's a different story.

> We need to somehow get people started on the notion of using
> deprecation, and supporting the contracts that they have already provided.

I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment for the functional aspects,
but :

All I wanted was to put an ant.jar in a top level directory so a user
can download a snapshot of jakarta-commons and build it w/o having to go
find and install ant...

That's all.  Nothing more.

Geir Magnusson Jr.                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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