What might be useful in general would be to make individual JARs
available for download. For a stable-release, the documentation is
already online, and I may not need that locally. Especially if I'm jut
window-shopping. If I'm just after a feature enhancement in a nightly
release, why should I have to download a 5mb gorilla just to get the
latest 100kb banana?

For some of our products, the mere-mortals now do things like download
the binary release and then just lift a JAR from one of the example
applications. Why not cut to the chase, and just let users download
stable JARs to begin with?

Hopefully, many of the Commons packages will also offer
test-suites/examples as ready-to-run WARs that people can download and
check out first. Then they could Just lift the JAR, peak at the online
documentation and plunk it into their own application. If there's a fix,
they should be able to just download the new JAR -- plug and play.


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