----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted Husted" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] build structure jakarta-commons

> "Geir Magnusson Jr." wrote:
> > The motivation here is to lower the cost of entry for someone wandering
> > by - if you can just grab something, build it, then I think we have a
> > chance of hooking someone with this open source thing....
> "Geir Magnusson Jr." wrote:
> > My motivation is to lower the barrier to entry so a user can grab a
> > tarball or zip that is the current state of the project, start the build
> > process.  I don't think they should be forced to alter their classpath,
> > or alter the executable path, or download lots of stuff.
> I think we should focus on making the build process flexible, and let
> "users" start with binary releases.
> If they want to get under the hood, they should be ready to get their
> hands dirty, and meet all the prerequisites.
> I do agree that we need to make it brain-dead easy for a "user" to come
> along, check out what we are doing, toss a JAR in their classpath, and
> go to town.
> But I don't think we should be trying to serve "users", "power users
> dabbling in development", and "real developers". Users and
> developers are audience enough.
> So my vote would be to focus on users-who-want-binaries and
> developers-who-want-to-roll-their-own, and stay out of the middle
> ground.


> If we start to make more JARs available separately, many of the
> dependency issues start to go away, since you could just go to a page
> and download whatever stable JARs were listed as the prerequisites.
> -Ted.

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