> On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> > Hallelujia, brother!!
> >
> > <xsl:choose>
> >   <xsl:when test='$level=1'>
> >     <xsl:number format="i"/>
> > ...
> >
> > Now *that's* a syntax for laying out documentation!  Don't give me any
> > sissy WYSIWYG crap or stuff that even *vaguely* looks like the actual
> > document you are trying to produce...  It would be easy for *anyone* to
> > do it then...  And don't even *think* of attempting to improve on a
> > *standard*...
> Q.E.D.

These letters are normally used when indicating that something you
wished to prove has been conclusively and logically proven.

I thought that your original message was joking a little, because I know
that you, Costin, would be the *last* person to want to require others
to use a specific standard...

Anyhow, the real point of the message, which you snipped off as it
didn't seem to support whatever point you believe that you have proven,
was wondering if we can bring the mountain to mohammed and move an
Anakia style to properly render content made for docbook.  Now, I don't
know all that much about DocBook.( However, I can never pass up the
change to riff on XSLT.. I know it's a popular standard, but it seems to
have suffered tremendous scope-creep...)  so I am not sure how much work
this will be, or if it's worth it.   I would assume Costin votes 'no'.


Geir Magnusson Jr.                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Developing for the web?  See http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/

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