"Michael Gerdau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Now with knowing there is something like torque I'm not too eager to
> continue "my" (i.e. Nick's and my :) work. In fact I'd only want that
> if I'd get the impression torque does have "unfixeable deficiencies"
> which for the time being I don't think it does.

I for one am very happy to hear this--I hope it means that you'll be
looking at Torque and Texen and making recommendations (or submitting
patches ;) on how they can be improved.

> Oh, I personally don't like xslt in the first place. I'm coming from
> using perl for this type of task. In comparison xslt is crude and
> cumbersome (trying to be polite ;)

In that case, you'll likely enjoy working with Velocity templates.

> Not knowing a better tool I fell for the xslt (hype). I'm not sure I
> will remain on that road. So far torque seems a better alternative.

Velocity is a beautiful templating tool.

> If only I could find more time...

Whatever ideas you can find the time spare to the dev list will be
most appreciated.


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