On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Sam Ruby wrote:

> My fear is that I compose a system with a dozen components, each of which
> has its own wrapper over logging functionality, so the total footprint
> consumed by these wrappers is larger than the logging system which is
> undoubtably going to be including anyway.

That's why I didn't want to go down the road of DigesterLogger ... :-)

> Trying to standardize on a wrapper without settling for an absolute least
> common denominator approach essentially is equivalent to selecting a
> logging package with a reasonably good interface, and stripping from
> package the set of  backends which are not of interest.

Having slept on it overnight, I'd like to propose that we stick with the
logging abstraction that's currently in the sandbox.  (I'm going to check
in a couple of tweaks that remove it's legacy references to
"httpclient" property names).

For Log4J fans, it's interesting to note that it *defaults* to Log4J if
those classes are available on your classpath.

> - Sam Ruby


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