> I can't say what you are not aware of until you tell me everything you
> are aware of.

OK, poor wording; I was just asking for any known gotchas. I know images
will be blurred but the charts I am printing are pure vector art + text
and I though that ought to work.

> One common mistake is to assume that text scales linearly from screen to
> printer. It doesn't. If  you scale the graphics 4x then a specific piece
> of text might scale by 3.87 or 4.23, or 3.95 , or ..

I didn't know about that. I knew fonts sizes are not linear but I thought
scaling the Graphics2D would scale the font outlines "exactly", not ask
the font manager for the next best font size. And indeed my labels sometimes
overlap after scaling. This may be the reason or it may be a font metrics
problem since AWT and PDF fonts don't always match. I must investigate.

Thanks again for the help,

-- O.L.

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