
Olivier Lefevre wrote:
I refer the honourable gentleman to the answer I gave earlier ..

So specifying PDL is either a no-op, or is possibly going to
cause a failure at runtime since you are forcing an inappropriate path.
In short : do not do this.

If this actually had any effect in your case this that means you have :
1) not yet spotted where it lead to incorrect results.
2) been lucky so far not to get a RuntimeException thrown.

We are talking past each other. The pdl path right now is what it is but by
"bringing it out into the open" I was suggesting fixing the above problems,
precisely.   About the RuntimeException: it's entirely up to you to implement
it so that it does not throw.

The runtime exception can occur ONLY when you specify this property
(which perhaps I should just delete), and even then only in cases where
its wholly inappropriate. Applications behaving properly will never see it.

 About the incorrect results: by that I assume
you refer to the features like certain transparency or shading effects that
would not be supported. If so, have you ever heard of graceful degradation?
You could skip those instructions, pick the closest implemented rendering,
whatever; you do not have to throw. It is routine for page rendering engines
(think browsers with HTML + CSS or SVG) to have limitations and implement
only a subset of a given spec. Where would we be if, say, browsers decided
to bomb every time they encounter an unimplemented SVG instruction? That is
no way to implement this kind of product.

We do not bomb. We have "graceful degradation". We've had it for many years.

And it makes no sense for Java 2D printing to implement only a subset of our 
own API.

From my perspective it would be much better to get high-quality (i.e., not
raster) translation of a more limited set of instructions than a raster
version of the full set. At least it would be useful to have the choice
but at the moment that option is denied to us.

So what you want is that explicit setting of this internal property
to "pdl" to mean skip any output it cannot render.
I don't see that as  desirable or truly useful and its obviously completely



-- O.L.

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