I refer the honourable gentleman to the answer I gave earlier ..

> So specifying PDL is either a no-op, or is possibly going to
> cause a failure at runtime since you are forcing an inappropriate path.

In short : do not do this.

If this actually had any effect in your case this that means you have :
1) not yet spotted where it lead to incorrect results.
2) been lucky so far not to get a RuntimeException thrown.


Olivier Lefevre wrote:
Just a quick update on this: painting using the print method to a
streaming Graphics2D object that writes SVG/PostScript/PDF/whatever
to file will give the "correct" results, i.e., not a bitmap, provided
print is used correctly (i.e., printComponent and printBorder in the
widget tree may need to be overridden and customized). However to get
"correct" results when actually printing to a printer you do have to
set the sun.java2d.print.pipeline property to pdl. Thus I think it
might be useful to bring that property out in the open, so to speak,
and stop regarding it as a private testing back-end.


-- O.L.

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