On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 6:35 PM, phil.swen...@gmail.com
<phil.swen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> can anyone deny that C# moves a lot faster than Java?

I don't have the data to confirm or deny that, but, faster does not
necessarily mean better.

> It seems that Sun is trapped by the design by committee JCP.  Neal
> Grafter mentioned this in a previous post to the group....  check this
> out:
> http://groups.google.com/group/javaposse/browse_thread/thread/78675aebb705506b/7a6ddb5f725490c7?lnk=gst&q=from%3A+neal+gafter#7a6ddb5f725490c7

I take issue with that interpretation of Neal's post. I believe the
thrust of his post was about lack of Sun commitment to funding
Language Design Specialists like himself to focus on adding new
language features.

The JCP is essentially a standards organization. As such, it is
intended to codify standards after the technologies have proven
themselves in the field.  Most JSRs are led by or at least have
prominent expert group members that worked on the related technology
including full prototypes (if not commercial grade working solutions
in the wild already) that the standard is being created for. Yeah.
Committees get involved in creating standards. That is a necessary
evil of any standards creation process.

I'm not saying that some design-by-committee is not going on within
the JCP. I'm just saying that when done properly this should not be
the case and there are many experienced developers/designers involved
in the JCP that understand this quite well. Several of them
articulated this very point at a recent QCon panel which I
participated in. Most notably, Rod Johnson made this point as one of
the new JCP EC members participating on the panel.

This is a good segue to encourage people that are not happy with the
current JCP to get involved. Anyone can become an individual member of
the JCP. Be the change you wish to see, why not join the JCP? =)


Cheers, Van

| Michael "Van" Riper
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