On Mar 24, 2009, at 9:23 AM, Michael Kimsal wrote:

> It's done with JavaScript because that's something that can  
> gracefully degrade with the use of toolkits.  If someone has an  
> older IE or FF, the interface might not be as nice as the interface  
> for the newer browsers, but it'll still provide some functionality.
> We had an Adobe guy (James Ward) present at our TriJUG a couple  
> weeks back, and I think that was a question for him which I can't  
> remember the answer to.  If I compile a Flex app for the latest  
> stack, but someone doesn't have the latest stack, will the app  
> degrade or automatically install the newer stack *just* for that app  
> (and leave the other apps using their older stack)?  Or is that  
> person with the older stack just out of luck?

I'm not sure how Flash works, but for JavaFX the runtimes are  
versioned and can coexist. This means if you write an app with JavaFX  
1.0 and never touch it, then it will *always* use the 1.0 runtime. You  
won't ever have to worry about an upgrade suddenly breaking your app.  
You can choose to modify your app to use the 1.1 runtime and then  
redeploy, but you are in control of that.   The runtime itself is  
versioned and downloaded on demand, so if a user doesn't have the 1.1  
runtime it will be downloaded once, cached, and then reused for all  
other apps that request 1.1.

> To whatever extent RIA tech (Silverlight, Flex, JavaFX, whatever)  
> forces people to upgrade rather than offering them a 'less than  
> current but still functional' experience, it'll have a hard sell  
> against the growing functionality of 'native to the browser'  
> JavaScript and associated toolkits.  Everyone should watch out for  
> browsers that might start bundling some JavaScript toolkits  
> directly.  If my browser came with basic jquery, dojo, etc, and  
> could only have to dynamically load the extra pieces it needed, this  
> would be even more of a reason to write for that platform rather  
> than looking at the RIA space.

No matter what technology you are using extra code must be downloaded  
to support your application. The code might be a javascript library or  
a JavaFX jar, but it's still something extra. That's why caching is  
important and why JavaFX hitting 100m downloads of the runtime is  
important. It means that there are 100m desktops that can run your  
JavaFX app without having to download the runtime. (100m was in feb,  
i'm sure it's 200m+ by now).

> I love RIA tech and think it has a place, but the vendors in this  
> space will need to continually be upping their game (both  
> technically and marketing and user/community engagement) to make  
> their case relevant.

And they most certainly are. I know some great people on the Flex and  
Silverlight teams. We are all working hard to build the app platforms  
of the future. (FYI, I'm a member of the JavaFX team).

> Our area has seen at least 3 visits from Adobe tech reps in the last  
> year (to our PHP and Java user groups).  I've not seen anyone from  
> Sun come and present about JavaFX to any group in our area.   
> Granted, we're *only* Raleigh/RTP - we're not the Valley or New York  
> - but they can't just put out  'catch up' tech and expect everyone  
> to adopt it.

Can you email me at joshua.marina...@sun.com. Let's see if we can  
organize something.

> Strategic initiatives in to businesses (via salesforce, like I said  
> before) will do much more for the adoption *at the developer level*  
> than partnerships with device makers to embed Java/JavaFX in to  
> phones and televisions.  My clients couldn't care less if *4  
> billion* cell phones run some outdated version of Java - they want a  
> Flash app because that's what they see on youtube (for example).  If  
> they saw Java apps on Yahoo Finance, SalesForce and other business- 
> related sites, it might make a stronger case for the tech than the  
> "mobile phone games" market Sun seems to have painted themselves in  
> to a corner with.

It's still very early days for JavaFX (the 1.0 release was less than 4  
months ago), but we are working with partners to develop such apps.  
Stay tuned.

- Josh

> On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Alexey Zinger  
> <inline_f...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Yahoo Mail does this kind of rich text editor (including dragging  
> images off other browser windows).  I haven't looked very deeply  
> into it yet, but it seems to be done primarily with JavaScript.
> Alexey
> --- On Tue, 3/24/09, phil swenson <phil.swen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > From: phil swenson <phil.swen...@gmail.com>
> > Subject: [The Java Posse] Re: Getting Google to embrace JavaFX ->  
> Idea for Java / JavaFX coders  with time on their hands...
> > To: "The Java Posse" <javaposse@googlegroups.com>
> > Date: Tuesday, March 24, 2009, 10:53 AM
> > Uploaders are all over the place in Flash and I really doubt
> > that Java
> > can do a better job than Flash.  Flash's install is
> > nicer, faster,
> > smaller, and has more market share.
> >
> > If you really want to provide something interesting I'd
> > build a rich
> > text editor that can be easily embedded in a web app.
> >
> > Should have all the standard features for rich text plus
> > something
> > that flash can't do:  paste images from the clipboard
> > (and if possible
> > drag images from the filesystem).
> >
> > I have been requesting clipboard paste of the flash team
> > for a long
> > time and they still haven't delivered in Flash 10.
> > Flex doesn't have
> > a decent rich text editor component, it's pathetic with
> > absolutely no
> > image support.  The javascript rich edit controls are OK,
> > but there is
> > huge room for improvement (basic stuff like end key goes to
> > end of
> > line, tab works right).  And they of course can never do an
> > image
> > paste from clipboard.
> >
> > This control would be great for an email editor, capturing
> > screen-
> > shots for a bug tracker, etc.  The one thing I don't
> > like about gmail
> > is I have to add images via the clunky attachment
> > interface.  I want
> > to take a screen-shot and drop it straight in the email and
> > be able to
> > re-size it directly in the editor.
> >
> -- 
> Michael Kimsal
> http://jsmag.com - for javascript developers
> http://groovymag.com - for groovy developers
> 919.827.4724
> >

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