> You are certainly not the only loudmouth. 3 out of every 4 blogs I
> read that praise the virtues of OSGi actually just give me a thousand
> mile overview in one paragraph then spend the next 4 beating on sun.
> Trust me, that is not the right strategy for convincing non-believers
> to join your side.

+1, it seems to filter in from IBM and I dare say Eclipse Foundation 
suffers from it. Not flame bait, just my own personal experience dealing 
with them on a professional basis.

> On Mar 26, 6:35 pm, Neil Bartlett <njbartl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Reinier,
>> It's a shame you choose to see it that way. You know, if Sun had
>> admitted Java had a modularity problem 10 years ago then OSGi would
>> not have been necessary. Today OSGi is the standard, Jigsaw is way too
>> late and stands in opposition to the rest of the industry.
>> I really don't want to whip Sun either. Like the curate's egg, most of
>> Sun is excellent and I feel they should not be throwing away goodwill
>> on this issue.
>> Finally, "OSGi Advocates" are not an aggregated mass. I am a single
>> opinionated loudmouth. Hating other OSGi advocates for what I say is
>> just stupid.
>> Regards,
>> Neil
>> On Mar 26, 4:40 pm, Reinier Zwitserloot <reini...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'd like to 'me-too' Romain Guy and say that OSGi advocates annoy me.
>>> There it is, OSGi advocates. Do with this information what you wish.
>>> Just know that whipping on any attempt of Sun to join the
>>> modularization game is exactly what makes people want to hand you some
>>> valium, so - spectacularly- well done on proving Romain Guy's point.
>>> I don't like jigsaw's sparse technical documentation either, but I do
>>> know that having a 'module' keyword is fantastic, and having a sun
>>> java installer that is modularized is similarly fantastic.
>>> On Mar 26, 1:50 pm, Weiqi Gao <weiqi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Neil Bartlett wrote:
>>>>> Romain, it's not like that at all. I believe there will be huge damage
>>>>> to the Java ecosystem from having multiple competing module systems.
>>>>> You want to write a module, which module system do you support? It's
>>>>> as bad as what Microsoft tried to do to Java.
>>>>> If you don't want to use OSGi I really really don't mind. If you want
>>>>> to fracture the Java platform, I mind a lot.
>>>> It seems to me that OSGi is the fracturing force.  So could OSGi please
>>>> just go away?
>>>> I have nothing against OSGi and the above paragraph is merely to
>>>> illustrate a point.  The point is that fracturing is inevitable.  The
>>>> sooner the vendors start to thinks of ways to make their pet mechanisms
>>>> work together for their customers the better.
>>>> Just because some one invented OSGi twenty years ago doesn't mean others
>>>> can't invent something similar to counter it.  Think IE vs. Netscape, C#
>>>> vs. Java, Eclipse vs. NetBeans, SWT vs Swing, Ruby vs. Smalltalk and
>>>> Perl, Gcj vs. Harmony vs. the JDK, Scala vs. Erlang, JavaFX vs. Flex vs.
>>>> Silverlight, java.util.logging vs. Log4j, SOAP vs. CORBA, etc.  The list
>>>> goes on and on.  And all the UNIXes.  And all the Linux distributions.
>>>> And Windows vs. the Mac.  And the GPL vs. the Apache License.
>>>> Fracture leads to variety and variety leads to survival.
>>>> Trying to get the whole world to use only one mechanism is not going to
>>>> work.
>>>> Had Sun allowed Java to fracture a little on Windows, we would be
>>>> writing Windows applications in Java rather than in C#.
>>>> Had Sun not allowed Java to be implemented elsewhere and in
>>>> non-conforming ways, we would be writing Android applications in some
>>>> other language.  PHP perhaps.  I don't know.
>>>>> On Mar 26, 8:12 am, Romain Guy <romain....@mac.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Technical merits aside, the OSGi advocates are really starting to piss
>>>>>> me off. They go rant against anything that is even remotely like OSGi
>>>>>> and they go rant against anything that doesn't use OSGi and could
>>>>>> perhaps potentially use it. This is *not* a good way to advocate a
>>>>>> technology.
>>>>>> On Mar 25, 5:37 pm, JodaStephen <jodastep...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Joshua Marinacci said
>>>>>>> "Jigsaw is the modularity planned to be built into the JDK.  It's
>>>>>>>  purpose in life is to make the JRE modular.  No other modules system,
>>>>>>> including OSGI, has the ability to do that because they simply can't
>>>>>>> work at a low enough level to make things work (such as JVM changes).
>>>>>>> Of course that conveniently ignores Apache Harmony, which is a JDK
>>>>>>> modularised using OSGi. I think you'll find there are some deeper
>>>>>>> forces going on here.
>>>>>>> phil.swenson said:
>>>>>>> "jigsaw is core to Java 7 isn't it?"
>>>>>>> No. Jigsaw is core to JDK7, not Java7. Huge difference.
>>>>>>> Stephen
>>>> --
>>>> Weiqi Gao
>>>> weiqi...@gmail.comhttp://www.weiqigao.com/blog/
> >

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