On Jun 30, 5:58 pm, Reinier Zwitserloot <reini...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1) The serious issue with the same library at different versions in
> use by 2 separate modules is the lack of interoperability. Let's say,
> for arguments sake, that the collections API was versioned, and module
> A is using v1, while module B is using v2. If module A communicates
> with module B via some mechanism (such as e.g. bouncing through the
> 'Main' app, or via interfaces directly to each other), then this is
> just plain not going to work - A's "List" isn't B's "List" - and
> that's that.

That's not really the point of the "multiple version" question. You're
unlikely to write an app that explicitly depends on two different
versions of the same library, as you point out using two versions of
the same class in a single module is not going to work (it doesn't
really make sense). You are, however, eventually going to write an app
where you end up with incompatible *transitive* dependencies (ie.
classpath hell). It's this sort of situation that OSGi can help you

> 2) Where is it written that jigsaw will not support runtime
> separation? I've heard time and time again that jigsaw offers a way to
> ESCAPE doing that (by way of the local dependencies mechanism), which

Can you elaborate on this a bit?

> suggests that by default jigsaw will use classloader-based tricks, or
> repackaging, to let you do runtime separation. However, this
> discussion seems focussed on the idea that jigsaw can't do this. Where
> is this written? I know, I know - jigsaw lacks specs, and we all (even
> the 'jigsaw fanboys') are very annoyed at that, but there's
> nevertheless quite a bit of info out there. If this information is NOT
> out there, I think we're jumping the gun.

It should be a pretty simple question to answer, either it does or it
doesn't. Someone must know :)

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