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On 7/13/10 15:59 , Kevin Wright wrote:
> The idea of silently having an object always persisted is
> certainly an appealing one.
> Shame it doesn't work so well in practice,  in order to avoid
> issues of persisting an object (or multiple related objects) in an
> inconsistent state we need some form of transactions, or
> "checkpoints" where a session is manually flushed/saved.
> That's usually where the problems begin, especially with the
> involvement of threads...

Of course you're right, this yet another point. But you have problems
even when you don't have so much threading issues (e.g. a single user,
simple desktop application - or even better, a single user smartphone

Jitesh, the problem with Hibernate is in the practice, not in the
theory (and I'm not even thinking of XML, since in the past three
years for me Hibernate is just an implementation of JPA ->
annotations). I've seen more than one customer having a large
application based on Hibernate and then experiencing lots of issues
related to integration and performance, at the point that they have
moved (or planned to move) to iBatis, which is closer to SQL.

Please note that I'm not against Hibernate. I repeat, I've been using
it with no specific problems and many of my customers are - but
because we have chosen to give up with some of the advanced features
(e.g. lazy collections and such). In the end, great amounts of code
have been written in the application to supply the missing features.
In the end, I still prefer it to other approaches, but generally
speaking, it's extremely likely that in a very complex application you
can't use the whole "magics" that Hibernate provides in theory. That's
why I think it's really the bad example for supporting the assertion -
that I support for other reasons - that things have greatly improved.

Back to the original topic, I think that the pessimistic guys are not
considering a point: twenty years ago the average software project was
*much* simpler than today. I mean, there were not Internet, the
related massive scalability issues, the related security technologies
and ABOVE ALL the life cycle was more regular, that is you there were
more chances that the original specs were the final ones, while today
is almost impossible (in other words, today specs on evolution and
flexibility are much more complex).

So even though we put the same effort on the average project than
twenty years ago, it's a proof that technology has really improved
since the average complexity today is MUCH higher.

- -- 
Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere."
java.net/blog/fabriziogiudici - www.tidalwave.it/people
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