On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 19:46, Fabrizio Giudici
<fabrizio.giud...@tidalwave.it> wrote:
> Back to the original topic, I think that the pessimistic guys are not
> considering a point: twenty years ago the average software project was
> *much* simpler than today. I mean, there were not Internet, the
> related massive scalability issues, the related security technologies
> and ABOVE ALL the life cycle was more regular, that is you there were
> more chances that the original specs were the final ones, while today
> is almost impossible (in other words, today specs on evolution and
> flexibility are much more complex).

Indeed - and even more potential points of failure and bugs.

> So even though we put the same effort on the average project than
> twenty years ago, it's a proof that technology has really improved
> since the average complexity today is MUCH higher.

Oh yes, I guess, you are right. Thanks for pointing that out.

Compared to my early days of programming tools and languages improved
a very lot I would say. Looking at the last 5 years or so then I am
less sure. Although re-inventing the wheel is sometimes necessary, it
nowadays means the need of re-implementing a lot of stuff that already
existed before. So I guess for new languages it will become more and
more difficult to get to the level we have been before.
Martin Wildam

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