I'm one of the lucky(?) folks who telecommutes full time.   I was
originally a Java developer whose career path seen me end up primarily
developing with ColdFusion (which I would claim is a JVM
language... :)) and a little bit of Java.

In 2005 I moved from Newcastle, Australia to Sydney to work as the
"web guy" for a joint venture between an organisation in Melbourne and
one in Sydney.  I was the only IT guy in Sydney, and although based in
an office was essentially telecommuting because the rest of the
developers were in Melbourne anyway.

Working in the office in Sydney actually became a problem in that it
was a small office and I ended up spending a lot of the time doing
"office duties" such as answering the phone and letting people in the
front door.  I put it to the guys in Melbourne that this was a waste
of my time, and since I would be more productive from home and they
agreed with me.  After working from home in Sydney for around 6
months, I eventually moved to regional NSW which is where my wife
hails from (for the other Aussies on the list I'm pleased to say that
broadband here is quite good - even without the NBN!).  I visit the
office in Melbourne around once a quarter, but have a fortnightly
teleconference and daily email / telephone communication with my
manager and other developers as needed.  I access email and the
various servers via a VPN, and often connect via VNC to other
developers PC's to help them with something, or vice versa.

So for the past 4 years or so I have worked for them from a home
office.  In some ways I think I have it extremely good, other things
are challenging though - especially when my kids were here every day
(I have a 2 and 3 year old, who have just recently gone into full time
care, but were in the house 3 days a week before that).

Overall, I think it works quite well.  I think having been working in
the office for a period of time definitely built up the level of trust
required.  I am also EXTREMELY careful to let people know when I wont'
be at my desk, as I'm paranoid that people will ring and think I'm
never here.  I probably work more hours than I should, as it's very
easy just to come back to your desk of an evening and get straight
back into it.  That can be difficult for the rest of the family, so
this is definitely a negative and something I am conscious have to be
very careful about.

All in all, I know I am very fortunate in my current arrangement
however I realise it may not last forever and that is a bit scary,
especially as there are very limited IT opportunities (probably none
for developers) where I now live.  I am 6 hours from Sydney, and that
is probably where I'd need to go if ever I'm job hunting again.  That
tends to make me feel a bit insecure at times (especially when it
comes making long term plans like taking out a mortgage or thinking
about where the kids will go to school, etc.).

Not sure that really answers your question John, but I can say that
yes, there are people who do what you ask about.  I do think having
that "in office" relationship first was important though - both for my

Best regards,

On Sep 6, 7:32 am, John Urberg <jurb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am a Java Architect and live in an area where there are few
> opportunities for my skills.  The only option I can think of besides
> moving back to the Twin Cities is telecommuting.  I am interesting in
> finding out how many of you on the list are working a full time
> telecommute job.  For those of you that are, how did you find a
> telecommuting job and how has it been working out?
> Thanks,
> John

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