You are whining over the fact that the name of a binary assembly
possibly hints at an implementation provider? I don't actually think
your comparison makes sense, as Java completely lacks the concept of
versioned assemblies (hopefully Jigsaw will change that) - you either
have JSE, or not.

When Microsoft first started working on the .NET Framework, before it
was standardized, MSCorLib.dll was indeed an acronym for Microsoft
Common Object Runtime Library. Once ECMA started to standardize the
CLR and parts of the FCL, MSCorLib.dll officially became the
acronym for Multi Language Standard Common Object Runtime Library.
This was probably easier and more compatibility friendly than renaming
the assembly to corelib. You can read about this in "Applied
Microsoft .NET Framework Programming".

On Oct 19, 11:42 am, Miroslav Pokorny <>
> My main point was Microsoft says that they say c# and the clr are a
> standard, so they dont include microsoft in their packages(namesspaces)
> naming and yet we have "mscorlib.dll".

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