On Thu, 01 Dec 2011 23:40:48 +0100, Vineet Sinha <vin...@architexa.com> wrote:

The story is the same for most non-software companies. For them doing any
coding is really a function of them trying to optimize some other manual
process. Development resources really come from 'making X more efficient' -
so you really can't argue to use a particular technology unless the
technology is required once you have already sold the development to

Exactly. Same for "social features": it's a business thing and the push to use it or not it won't come from a guy from the IT. And even "HTML crazyness": what's the business advantage of it? If the CMS currently delivers, what's the business advantage of using it *now*?

Of course, I totally understand that you're eager at trying leading edge stuff. Try to change job, picking a company which provides technology consultancy rather than one that only does IT to serve its own business. Of course, don't go back to your first employee :-) the company you're searching for is middle to small sized, mostly composed of quality rather than quantity.

Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere."
http://tidalwave.it - http://fabriziogiudici.it

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