On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, James Strachan wrote:

> Just a thought. If we seperated the Jaxen BaseXPath / JaXPath API into an
> interface, say something like this...
> public interface XPathEvaluator {
>     public Object evaluate(Object node);
>     public List selectNodes(Object node);
>     ...
> }
> Then all the models (DOM, dom4j, EXML, JDOM) could have an implementation of
> this interface, but we could also try implement the same interface using
> Xalan and Saxon.
> This would mean we could then use the exisitng XPath test harness to test
> Xalan and Saxon against Jaxen - to see if there are XPath expressions that
> we can come up with which are different to Xalan & Saxon. It'd just add that
> extra check that our understanding of the XPath spec is correct.
> Thoughts?

Sounds great!

I look forward to your patch. ;)

        (sorry, I'm sidelined on The Other Project this week.)

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