That is fine but why not just create a single jetty-service.jar that
includes all
Jetty specific files and have a seperate jetty-service.xml descriptor with
config that references the required jar:
    <classpath codebase="." archives="jetty-service.jar"/>

This is how I'm packaging the tomcat service except there I also reference
the external catalina dist jars as well.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jules Gosnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Jan Bartel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 4:31 PM
Subject: [JBoss-dev] Where should the Jasper jar live ?

> Scott,
> Would you mind if I moved the jasper.jar from lib/ to jetty-plugin.sar ?
> I figure:
> - jasper is an implementation
> - jasper version is tightly bound to Jetty version
> - Tomcat users will have their own version of Jasper
> I think the servlet api jar should stay in lib, seeing as this is part
> of the definition of the JBoss platform and will be needed by users to
> compile against (whilst they should not need Jetty and Jasper classes)
> My preemptive advice to anyone concerned that a sar is awkward to work
> with, because the configuration is, hidden is : "run it unpacked".
> Concerns ?
> Jules
> P.S.
> What is the arrangement between HEAD and Branch_3_0 - would I be
> correct in assuming that bug-fixes should be merged, but new features
> not ?
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