On Mon, 24 Jun 2002, Bill Burke wrote:

> ProxyFactory is not an MBean.  Just an object right now.  Config code,
> creates and attaches ProxyFactorys to each EJB.  (Each EJB is an mbean
> though).

Still trying to understand ..

Seems like I don't need an HTTPInvoker. Only an HTTPInvokerProxy and a 
InvokerServlet, that forwards invocations to the local invoker. If I 
understand it, the proxy must provide a TransactionPropagationContext 
instance to each Invocation. This has to be "imported" in the servlet 
before the invocation is forwarded to the LocalInvoker.

Also, there must be a HTTPProxyFactory, that binds an HTTPInvokerProxy 
into jndi for every ejb. An then, there's the setup / integration. I need 
some MBean, that sets up the proxy factory and deploys the servlet.

All that together should be packaged into one single deployment unit, e.g. 
a sar. Right?


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