>>> "Max R. Andersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 16-Jan-01 9:16:00 PM >>>

>One of the great things about ant is that it let you 
>specify both classpath and extdirs. And dependent 
>on wether the compiler is javac or jikes it handle 
>them transparently.

>1. If it is javac it just uses -cp <classpath> 
>    and -extdirs <extdirslist>
>2. If it is jikes it appends all the dirs and jar files found in
>    <extdirslist> to the classpath.
>Could a similar functionallity be incoporated into JDE ?

This is something else that my code (that Paul doesn't want) did
quite well.

>maybe a jde-compile-compiler-support-extdirs that should 
>be set to false to activate option 2 above.

I believe the problem is that JDE tries to have a generic compile
function. If you could select the compile (or more accurately build)
function on the basis of a particular product then they could easily
do things like that.

My code allows that. You have a bunch of compiler functions (for
javac, jikes, kopi, make, ant, etc...) and specify which one you want
to use.

Then each function handles the job of interpreting the jde-compile
options as it should. My jikes compiler function for example does
exactly wha you suggest:

- appends jde-compile-classpath to the classpath
- searches the jde-compile-extdirs for .jar files and adds them to
- compiles with that classpath

The javac version just passes things through.


>ps. The reason for differentiate classpath and extdirs 
>and not just concatente them is that extdirs and 
>classpath has differences in their semantics for 

Agreed. But the differences are minor. When the compiler doesn't
support it you might as well go with appending everything as you

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