>>> Paul Kinnucan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 16-Jan-01 8:47:04 PM >>>

>>Ant has some nice features that might be useful -- 
>>especially classpath management.  For instance, 
>>you can set it up to automatically include all
>>jars/zips in a particular directory in the build classpath.
>>This might be a nice feature for JDE -- Paul?

>This would be easy to do. Just give my some clue as 
>to how the directory should be specified. Customization 
>variable? e.g., 
>   jde-class-library-dirs

I've done this with my compile stuff. The ant feature is the same as
extdir. So that's what I did... just had the ant compilation module
use the extdir.

I'll be releasing a new vesion of the jde-compile-plus (wish I didn't
have to use that name) stuff soon. The new version includes a macro to
handle relative paths. The compiler funcs revert to tradition funcs
that can be called through a pointer (which allows different funcs to
be used).

The relative path macro could be used across the JDE to apply
relative paths wherever they are needed.

Nic Ferrier

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