Exactamundo!  He (Dr. Forgy) is "very" protective about the Rete 2 algorithm.
Seems that he *had* to make the Rete algorithm public since it was funded by
the DOD when he was at CMU, but methinks that he wants to make some money with
the Rete 2 algorithm.  The Rete 2 works on optimizing memory space thereby
increasing the speed.  Actually, he's working on a Rete 3 but I have no idea
what it is; only that it will make the process even faster than Rete 2.

However, I'll see if we can get his Rete Ph.D. thesis scanned and published -
maybe this weekend.  If so, I'll send it to Dr. Friedman-Hill to publish on the
PST site if he likes.  BTW, Dr. Forgy's email is [EMAIL PROTECTED], not

One other thing; I've been going over the various Java systems (Jess, OPSJ,
JRules, Advisor and JEOPS) the past couple of weeks and trying to run the
manners 128 benchmark on all of them using the same set of data  and,
basically, the same set of rules.  That way only the engine is the difference
factor.  If anyone already has the JEOPS worked out, I would appreciate it if
you would send it to me.  I got CLIPS and converted it straight over to Jess -
which wasn't terribly difficult since they both seem to be be LISP oriented.
(Jim really hates LISP!  All those parentheses and special markers for
variables and just the jumbled way things are handled...)  And I already had
the code for OPSJ, Advisor and JRules.  JEOPS seems to be a different animal
since it is more Java-kinda oriented syntax.  Whatever.  Just a thought.


James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044


> I think Oliver Hoffmann wrote:
> > James,
> >
> > if you could scan Dr. Forgy's thesis and convert it to pdf, that would be
> > great :)
> >
> > is there also a publication on the Rete II algorithm?
> > http://www.pst.com/
> > claims that it would be much faster...
> Nope, it's unpublished and proprietary.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Ernest Friedman-Hill
> Distributed Systems Research        Phone: (925) 294-2154
> Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
> Org. 8920, MS 9012                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> PO Box 969                  http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov
> Livermore, CA 94550
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