I am on the process of trying Jess with a Java application with its own
I have a design Issue, right now I have 2 choices :

1) use the JavaBean capabilities of Jess
-> in          : JavaObjects
-> middle  : rule engine on Java Objects
-> out        : Java Objects

2) use Jess as a "XML Service"
-> in         : XML objects -> translated in facts
-> middle : rule engine on Jess Facts
-> out       : facts -> translated in XML objects

The First helps to have an homegeneous application : everything is done
in Java and is consistent, but it triggers constraints.
(on my Java objects : accessors + fireproperty and on the way I write my
rules in the RuleML/Jess langage)

The 2nd one is more elegant as it helps to see the Rules Engine as a
XML service provider, it is easier to implement as no constraint will
occurs on Jess objects manipulated.
In addition, translation from XML Object to RuleML/Jess langage should
be easier.

I would like to know if some of you already had that type of choice in
design ?
And what was the choice you made ?


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