Jack Kerkhof a icrit :

> Hi Bonnet,
> Your question is pretty wide open and will likely depend as much on the
> context of this application as internal representation. If your source inputs
> and outputs really are java applications, then the first makes sense.
> Otherwise, there undoubtably will be some additional context that translates
> input into a java object, and vis versa on the output.

My input and output are Java Objects.
So Java path should be the obvious choice.

But using XML would help me to have :
. a XML black box with predefined entries
. as XML standards (RuleML) are emerging for Rule writing , I could use them
. no additional Java code to write that would interfere with the original model
(fireProperty stuff)
. a neat design reusable in other context/projects (everybody interfaces with XML
now !)

So that is why I was wondering ...


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