Hi Bonnet,

Your question is pretty wide open and will likely depend as much on the
context of this application as internal representation. If your source inputs
and outputs really are java applications, then the first makes sense.
Otherwise, there undoubtably will be some additional context that translates
input into a java object, and vis versa on the output.

With regard to the XML service, same point. IF the context is XML producers
and consumers, this is the ovbious choice. A guiding design principle here
would be to make sure you are using XML as a communication and represenation
protocol (as it is intended), not as a data-store (which some environments
have a tendancy to do)

In fact, Having to deal with external representation <-> translation <->
Internal representation is a common design issue and most  applications and
their context will have to deal with these three things: each of which has
it's own considerations.

I know this is not an answer, but maybe it can help you find one for your


Bonnet Emmanuel wrote:

> Hi,
> I am on the process of trying Jess with a Java application with its own
> model.
> I have a design Issue, right now I have 2 choices :
> 1) use the JavaBean capabilities of Jess
> -> in          : JavaObjects
> -> middle  : rule engine on Java Objects
> -> out        : Java Objects
> 2) use Jess as a "XML Service"
> -> in         : XML objects -> translated in facts
> -> middle : rule engine on Jess Facts
> -> out       : facts -> translated in XML objects
> The First helps to have an homegeneous application : everything is done
> in Java and is consistent, but it triggers constraints.
> (on my Java objects : accessors + fireproperty and on the way I write my
> rules in the RuleML/Jess langage)
> The 2nd one is more elegant as it helps to see the Rules Engine as a
> XML service provider, it is easier to implement as no constraint will
> occurs on Jess objects manipulated.
> In addition, translation from XML Object to RuleML/Jess langage should
> be easier.
> I would like to know if some of you already had that type of choice in
> their
> design ?
> And what was the choice you made ?
> Regards,
> Emmanuel
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