James C. Owen wrote, On 01/04/2003 10:47 AM:

Anyway, regarding XML and rules:  Both JRules and Advisor state that
they have an XML Rule Repository.  Well, actually, they have a
"repository" of rules in XML, but I wouldn't exactly call it a true
Rule Repository - not in the sense that Rick at EZ-Xpert sets up and
defines a Rule Repository.

I keep my rulebase in the Directory (LDAP and/or X.500), using this


When it's time to load rules into the rule engine, I read the rulebase
from the Directory as DSML (Directory Services Markup Language,
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/dsml/ ). An XSL transformation
of the DSML-encoded rulebase yields a format (such as a Jess script)
which is suitable for interpretation by the rule engine.

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