I think Bonnet Emmanuel wrote:
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
> My input and output are Java Objects.
> So Java path should be the obvious choice.
> But using XML would help me to have :
> . a XML black box with predefined entries

Not sure what this one means.

> . as XML standards (RuleML) are emerging for Rule writing , I could use them

Note that storing data as XML, and storing rules as XML, are two
different things; the first is easy, the second is hard. Up till now
you've only been talking about XML data.

> . no additional Java code to write that would interfere with the original model
> (fireProperty stuff)

You only need to use property change listeners in your Java objects if
their member data will change from outside of the direct control of
the Jess program. Since translating data via XML is an option, you've
already allowed that having the Jess program decoupled from changes to
the domain objects is acceptable, so you could use them as-is as
static definstances without changing the code.

> . a neat design reusable in other context/projects (everybody
> interfaces with XML now !)

Indeed. Everybody seems to be getting their tongue pierced, as well,
but I personally won't be doing so.

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Distributed Systems Research        Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
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