Title: Symplified syntax jess 7


I have a question about the syntax of JESS 7. I’ve noticed that, in this release, there is available simplified parenthesis syntax {}, as for instance the one below:

(defrule welcome-toddlers

    "Give a special greeting to young children"

    (person {age < 3})


    ((System.out) println "Hello, little one!"))

Exactly this parenthesis construct "{age < 3}" I want to use in a more complex rule.

I want to write a simplfied rule for:

(defrule Rule-KDF-BDF-Promo-1


                           (kontoFirma ?_kontoFirma)

                           (bestandFirma ?_bestandFirma)

                           (promotionalCode ?_promotionalCode&:




                                        (= ?_promotionalCode 'M')

                                        (= ?_promotionalCode 'X')


                                    (= ?_kontoFirma 5)


                                 (<> ?_bestandFirma 5)







                        (ruleName 'Rule-KDF-BDF-Promo-1')




The simplified rule should look like below:

(defrule Rule-KDF-BDF-Promo-1


                           {bestandFirma <> 5 && ((promotionalCode == 'M' || promotionalCode == 'X') && kontoFirma == 5)}





                        (ruleName 'Rule-KDF-BDF-Promo-1')




But his _expression_ cannot be parsed by Jess.

Have anyone and idea about how my rule should be written with {}? Or what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you,

Cristian Negoita.


Cristian Negoita

Otto Group

Systementwickler · Prozessteam Kunde SE-VT-KP

Otto (GmbH & Co KG) · Wandsbeker Str. 3-7 · 22172 Hamburg · Germany

Phone +49 (0) 40 64 61 1183

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