-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Ernest Friedman-Hill

> Personally, if I was writing code to generate rules, I'd be doing it  
> in JessML (Jess's new XML format). Rules can be translated easily  
> between the two representations, and it's much easier to generate XML  
> programmatically.

Hi Ernest,

I am currently working on an application that constructs Jess rules
programmatically, but I am using the Java API in Jess to build the rules.
It was a bit tricky to get started, but I've got it mostly sorted out now.
The rules are quite complex, including multiple patterns and compound test
expressions.  I looked at the JessML, but thought that the Java API would be
better because I can construct the rules "logically" in a non-sequential
way; i.e. I create several patterns and then add action functions and
pattern tests and as I go along.  This would be difficult if I was just
emitting XML sequentially.

Have you considered creating a rule metamodel based on Eclipse EMF?  It
would be easy to bootstrap from the JessML schema (if that is a reasonable
metamodel structure), and the resulting Java-based EMF model would even
read/write the JessML xml syntax.  A customized class could be written that
would read/write the native Jess syntax to the EMF model.

Related to the recent thread on OWL, I am also working with the EMF-based
metamodel for OWL that reads/writes OWL or RDF ontologies, although this
metamodel is based on the OMG's ODM spec.  See:


  Dave Carlson

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