> I agree its early days.  But what   may impact is that  HTML5 IS intended to
> replace eg Flash/Java on devices such as the  iPhone.  I am not even sure
> that even  Android will support eg Jmol at any stage.

Android is a curious beast, and its bespoke Java implementation is a
tad unfair an example, in my opinion. Let me rhetorically ask: what do
you think is more important to developers - PC internet browser
support or Android mobile support?

> Can Jmol run at the moment on any mobile device (Android?)

Undoubtedly some linux mobile devices (and I'm not necessarily talking
mobile phones here, more Pocket PC-esque) can run JVM without any
issues. Sun's attempting to bring JVM to the iPhone:


> Given that most seem to accept that larger form factor devices (tablets etc)
> based on mobile phone rather than desktop OSs are on their way,  the Jmol
> community should at least have a view about whether that expansion is closed
> to them or not in that area.

If we're getting futurist, let's make the prediction even more
precise: cloud computing and server-side apps are the way we're
headed. In which case, mobile hardware or software limitations will
likely be overcome in the next 10 years. Don't you think?

Interesting topic you've raised!


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