>There do have some iPhone/iPod touch app for 3D molecule viewing. Here
>is one http://www.sunsetlakesoftware.com/molecules .

I think there is a connection of sorts between the above  app and Jmol.   The 
app I think relies on the original  Roger Sayle Rasmol opensource codes; I 
presume it was ported to  Objective  C (?) and renders using  OpenGL.  Jmol of 
course originated from Xmol, as a re-write into  Java in  1996, but has 
assimilated much of  Rasmol, including most significantly the  scripting 
concepts (but not, as we know, the  OpenGL).  In truth, "molecules"  has some 
way to go  before it even begins to approach  Jmol in functionality.

Professor Henry S Rzepa.
+44 (020) 7594 5774 (Voice); http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/rzepa/ & /rzepa/blog
Dept. Chemistry, Imperial College London, SW7  2AZ, UK.

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If expected reply not received, please phone/fax).

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