I am sorry you are upset Kakki. I don't think Vince meant it the way you took it
and I am certain he was not baiting anyone.

Bin Laden in addition to his belief in terrorism, also follows generally
conservative beliefs as regards freedoms, womens rights, gay people etc. These
are views commonly held by conservatives, are the views we here conservatives
give out all the time.
This is not the same thing as comparing Bin laden's terrorist tactics with
having said that, there are rabid conservatives who bomb abortion clinics, who
want gay people put to death, who want women stripped of their rights and be
just baby producers.

Those on the far left are not much different!

Kakki wrote:

> I know I should not respond to this.  I know I should try not to react and
> be baited.  I know that some people here will in the future throw digs at me
> for this.  I am shaking all over.  This remark from a man of God is just as
> hateful as Falwell's remarks.  Compaing "conservatives" to Bin Laden.  This
> is vile.  Kakki
> > Apparently, Osama bin Laden does. His deity also is petty, sadistic,
> > violent and generally conservative in his politics.

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