> Bin Laden in addition to his belief in terrorism, also follows
> conservative beliefs as regards freedoms, womens rights, gay people
etc. These
> are views commonly held by conservatives, are the views we here

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, Colin, and say that I
think you are inaccurate with your terminology.  I don't think that
being a political conservative means that someone is bigoted or
narrow-minded or against gay or women's or anybody's rights, at least
not in this country.  There are extremist elements who spew hate &
divisiveness in the name of many religious and political causes.  To
paint all conservatives (or liberals or Christians or Muslims or Jews
or whatever) with the same brush is inaccurate and wrong.  This is a
point that I have seen Kakki fight to put across time & time again.  I
don't always agree with her political stances and I don't even know if
she identifies as a conservative.  But she is no bigot.  She is not
narrow-minded.  She has a sharp intelligence, a compassionate heart
and is always striving to see all sides of a situation before she
makes up her mind.  She is not guided by any one party's line.  She
thinks for herself.  The same could be said for many 'conservatives'.
And yes, Colin, I understand that you did not say anything negative
about Kakki nor did you intend to imply anything bad about her.  I'm
just stating for the record what I know about her.

Thank you, Vince, for your immediate response to try & clear this up.
I know in my heart that you did not mean to offend anyone or equate
political conservatives in the US with Bin Laden in any way.

Hate & narrow-mindedness hide behind many masks.  Some of the groups
that attract & harbor the hateful & the ignorant are indeed
representative of those people.  But just because some of the
hatemongers identify as conservative or Christian or whatever, it does
not mean that all conservatives or Christians are hatemongers.

Mark E

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