
Thank you very much.  Just when I am feeling pretty misunderstood around
here sometimes, I find that there are people (like you) who do seem to know
me for what I am.  You are right that my "politics" are not easily
definable - at least they do not fit into any one box, especially narrowly
proscribed ones.  I do strive to think for myself on issues and have also
been influenced politically by a Teddy Rooseveldt Republican/Libertarian
father and a Franklin Rooseveldt Democrat mother and my beliefs very much
take from both sides.   Regardless of that, I consider myself first and
foremost an American.  When I was growing up I was taught that a
"conservative" is essentially someone who wants to "conserve" the U.S.
constitution, i.e. don't mess with the basic freedoms and protections that
it embodies.  Being "conservative" did not mean ANY of the other various and
sundry additional definitions that have been painted on it.  Maybe new terms
will have to evolve to better distinguish or characterize what people stand
for politically.

Thank you again, Mark.  I really appreciate it.


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