i guess that i have some hormonal problem or something, but i get the most
dreadful seasonal depression in SPRING!!!!!! the lengthening of the days
makes me phobic and listless. i love winter in southern argentina,
especially tierra del fuego, where the days are so brief and never really
more than just a twilightish thing. i like sunny days only in winter. the
dry, crisp winter days in northeastern usa or in southwestern argentina. i
like all things wintry: frost, ice, blustery winds, blizzards, frozen bays,
snow in all its varieties. i even don't mind slush as much as other people
do. i also seem to be abnormally vulnerable to hot weather and freakishly
resistant to cold weather. i almost never wear down coats or hats, except
when the wind chill factor is brutal [this is a very windy city]. when i
arrive in new york in january and it's 6 am and the wind is howling i can't
help but smile and wag my tail

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