--- colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > When i
opened my mails, evry single one, regardless
> of who it is from or 
> what the subjct line was, was a post from catherine
> to Jim 

> I have a virus protector. no warning was given nor
> did i see 
> attcahments. i closed and restarted my mail prgram
> to no avial. i 
> restarted the oc to no avail. eventually i just
> delted all my mail.
> I have never experienced anythign like this before.
> what did I do Catherine?  your power scares me. ;-) 

What did *I* do? This doesn't make sense to me. I've
got virus protection too and I update it regularly. It
doesn't sound like a virus to me (what do I know?)
There was some darn thing we were warned about at work
that is one of those worms that replicates itself and
sends itself to everyone on a person's list. All you
have to do to activate it is to open the e-mail of
whoever sent it to you (usually they don't realize
they sent it.) I don't remember what it's called & it
probably doesn't matter but I'm sure it had one of
those subject lines that didn't make a lot of sense. I
haven't actually received one. 

I wish I did have the kind of power you suggest, but
alas, I'm just a regular mortal.


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